Sunday, August 15, 2010

Because all the cool kids get the hyped up virus'!

Last year the big scary illness to get was H1N1 flu..and I got it.
This year the big scary illness to get was Whooping Cough..and I got it.

Either I have the worst immune system ever or children are truly as germy as they are made out to be...

Plus side to this.. I'm now immune to both.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Make Believe Foodie

If you have ever eaten gluten free you would know it's not all that appetizing (as my CBFF puts it most GF food tastes like dog food). However if Celiac is what you have then pretty much your stuck with what you got. Over the last two years I have become really into cooking. I enjoy experimenting and creating, because honestly there are a lot of food I miss that I cannot eat now because of the stupid celiac and I would like to find a replacement. With the help of my step-mom we have come up with some pretty tasty substitutions.
This is what I ate tonight. Spicy baked chicken (garlic pepper, old bay me its good) on a bed of mixed greens with cucumbers, pepercinis, tomatoes and sliced almonds. It was absolutely amazing.

It was followed up with this amazingly tasty desert. Carmalized banana's, fresh kiwi and blueberries on a plate. It was fantastic and low fat (hello double whammy!). The best part at the end of the night my kitchen still looks like this..
Clean as you go is the best method! And yes that was my second glass of wine.

Enjoy everyday. Remember the blessings. Find the Lesson

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Adventures of the H1N1

Every year for the last eight years I have dedicated myself for at least a week to a camp for children with cancer and their siblings. So this summer like many summers before I set out to volunteer for a week at this amazing camp dedicating myself to making these Special Important Brothers and Sisters (SIBS) feel like they matter and that what they are going through is important and that just because they are not the ones with cancer doesn't mean that their feelings don't matter. It's am amazing opportunity to help build up these kids self esteem, make them feel important, and give them lots of attention. This year did not work out so well however. We had been warned that something was going around and to be aware if we started feeling off. Well, come Tuesday I was feeling off, by Thursday I was full blown sick. The diagnosis? H1N1! I got the swine flu. It was truly awful but I am definitely on the mend now. I am just grateful for othe time I did get to spend with these boys and for the little bit of camp I did get to experience. I hope none of my campers get sick and of course there are always family camps and there is always next year.

With Love